¿Qué es la exfoliación? Descubre los beneficios de exfoliar para suavizar la piel

¿Qué es la exfoliación? Descubre todo lo que necesitas saber sobre los exfoliantes, incluso formas de exfoliar la piel y beneficios de la exfoliación para lograr un efecto suavizador.

Darlings, exfoliation is the secret to smoother-looking skin that looks reborn! In this guide, I’m sharing everything you need to know about exfoliator and answering frequently asked questions like what is exfoliating and what are the benefits of exfoliation? As well as breaking down how to exfoliate your skin to get the iconic Tilbury glow!

Watch my magical niece Bella Tilbury and celebrity aesthetician Sadaf Jaffari share all of my exfoliator skin secrets in my NEW! Tilbury Tell All skincare series, then discover more magic + science, below!

What Is Exfoliating?

Exfoliating is a skincare step designed to remove dead surface skin cells to reveal rejuvenated, smoother-looking skin. Our bodies are constantly generating new, healthy skin cells to replace old, damaged skin that has been exposed to environmental stressors like air pollution and sun damage. Skin cells have a natural turnover of around 30 days, and when older cells die off, they can appear as coarse, dry, flaky patches on the face. An exfoliator helps to resurface your complexion to create a smoother-feeling skin texture that appears refreshed and reborn.

What Do Exfoliators Do?

Exfoliators have many benefits for your skin which all depend on which type of exfoliator you use; the part of your body you’re exfoliating; and the ingredients in your chosen exfoliator.

The main benefit that all exfoliators have in common is that they help to exfoliate dead surface skin cells to reveal the softer, smoother skin beneath. After exfoliating, skin looks revitalised and rejuvenated with a renewed, natural glow. Some exfoliators can also help to refine and unclog the look of pores; hydrate skin; make your skin appear brighter; and even reduce the appearance of wrinkles. My Super Radiance Resurfacing Facial is expertly formulated to exfoliate and resurface the look of skin while providing heaps of hydration to make your complexion look glowing!

What are the Benefits of Exfoliating?

Darlings, exfoliating is a smooth-effect step that belongs in every skincare routine. Exfoliation has a whole host of skincare benefits and can help your skin to look its smoothest and most radiant!

Benefits of Exfoliating


Exfoliating helps to remove dead skin cells from the surface of the face to reveal a fresher, more healthy-looking complexion with smoother-looking skin texture. Dead skin on the face can result in dry patches and flakiness; using an exfoliator helps to remove these cells which can improve the appearance of texture and make skin feel smoother and more supple.

Discover how to remove dead skin on face


Dead skin cells and build-ups on the skin can lead to clogged pores. Using an exfoliator helps to remove dead skin and therefore can have an unclogging effect, especially when your exfoliator is infused with beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs) like my Super Radiance Resurfacing Facial. By unclogging pores with an exfoliator, you can help to prevent the emergence of breakouts and blemishes as well as reduce the appearance of pores.

Discover how to unclog pores


When skin is exfoliated and dead skin cells are removed, your complexion can appear brighter and softer. Freshly exfoliated skin appears healthier and more youthful, and regularly exfoliating skin can help to reduce and prevent the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Discover my anti-ageing skincare routine


If your skin is dull and rough, it can be difficult for it to properly absorb hydrating skincare products. Exfoliating away the top layer of damaged skin cells allows your skin to absorb hydrating products like Charlotte’s Magic Serum Crystal Elixir and Charlotte’s Magic Cream more effectively which in turn helps their potent skincare ingredients to penetrate deeper into the skin for greater effect.

Cómo exfoliar el rostro

La piel del rostro es diferente y más sensible que la de los brazos, las piernas o los pies. Al exfoliarte el rostro, debes utilizar un exfoliante facial específico para asegurarte de darle a tu cutis una exfoliación específica y así obtener los mejores resultados. Te recomiendo que utilices mi Super Radiance Resurfacing Facial para exfoliar e hidratar tu piel en un solo paso.

Descubre cómo exfoliarte con mi Super Radiance Resurfacing Facial para revitalizar tu cutis y potenciar la luminosidad de la piel.

Cómo usar el exfoliante en el rostro

Paso 1. Elige un exfoliante a base de ácidos

Los exfoliantes ácidos sin microesferas que no raspan la piel son los mejores para exfoliar el rostro. Mi Super Radiance Resurfacing Facial es un exfoliante facial 2 en 1 que exfolia, revitaliza, hidrata y aporta luminosidad a la piel de forma suave pero eficaz, con el poder de una mezcla experta de AHA, BHA y PHA.

Paso 2: Aplica una cantidad de exfoliante del tamaño de un guisante en el dorso de la mano.

Primero limpia tu piel y sécala suavemente con un paño, luego coloca el exfoliante en el dorso de la mano, listo para aplicarlo en el rostro. Solo necesitas una cantidad de exfoliante del tamaño de un guisante para revitalizar todo tu cutis.

Paso 3: Esparce uniformemente sobre el rostro con los dedos o con una brocha.

El exfoliante puede aplicarse con las manos o con mi brocha mágica para el cutis Magic Complexion Brush. Para aplicar el exfoliante con las manos, extiende la fórmula entre los dedos y deslízala suavemente, empezando por las mejillas y la frente, y luego por todo el rostro. Para aplicar el exfoliante con una brocha, escoge una brocha para cutis densa para poder extenderlo uniformemente por el rostro.

Paso 4: Aplica en las zonas de difícil acceso

Las células muertas de la piel pueden acumularse en zonas de difícil acceso, como alrededor de la nariz, las cejas y las comisuras de la boca, así que ten especial cuidado al aplicar el exfoliante en estas partes del rostro. Utiliza movimientos suaves para exfoliar gentilmente estas zonas y lograr un efecto suavizante de la piel.

Paso 5: ¿Durante cuánto tiempo debes exfoliarte? Déjalo actuar entre 5 y 20 minutos.

Los exfoliantes ácidos que contienen AHA, BHA y PHA deben incorporarse lentamente a tu rutina semanal para el cuidado de la piel, a fin de entrenarla y aumentar gradualmente su tolerancia.

Si ya utilizaste ácidos en tu rutina semanal de cuidado de la piel, deja el exfoliante en el rostro durante los 20 minutos recomendados.

Si no has utilizado antes productos para el cuidado de la piel a base de AHA, BHA y PHA, te recomiendo que dejes el exfoliante en el rostro durante 5 minutos las primeras veces que lo utilices, y que lo aumentes con el tiempo a medida que tu piel se acostumbre a la fórmula.

Consejo Tilbury:  Aumenta el tiempo de exfoliación hasta 20 minutos en total para conseguir un efecto facial completo digno de la alfombra roja.

Paso 6: Enjuaga con agua tibia.

Elimina el exfoliante para dejar al descubierto una piel de aspecto más suave, revitalizada y resplandeciente. Para retirar el exfoliante, enjuágalo delicadamente con agua tibia y un paño limpio y suave. Utiliza siempre movimientos suaves para retirar el exfoliante y evita los jalones y las fricciones.


Exfoliating is an essential skincare step that can be performed in the morning to start your day with refreshed, reborn skin, or an evening skincare ritual that lets you wake up with rejuvenated, smoother-looking skin. It’s best to exfoliate after cleansing and before serums, masks, and moisturisers to ensure the product is absorbed by the skin before you apply any other skincare products.

Click here for my full guide on when to exfoliate

What is Exfoliating? More FAQs

What is Exfoliator

Who Needs an Exfoliator?

The short answer is everyone needs an exfoliator in their skincare routine! Our skin cells have a natural turnover and dead skin cells are left on the surface of the face, so it’s important to remove them with a gentle exfoliator so that skin can look fresh. As we age, our cell turnover gradually slows down, so it’s especially important to exfoliate mature skin to help aid the turnover process and reveal smoother, more youthful-looking skin.

Tilbury Tip: Exfoliators can be used for prevention and correction, darlings. Whether you’re exfoliating to prevent skin from becoming dry and textured, or you’re exfoliating to help resurface textured skin, exfoliating is a skincare step that can benefit every skin tone, type, and texture.

Shop Super Radiance Resurfacing Facial

How Do You Exfoliate Without Using A Scrub?

Exfoliating scrubs can be abrasive on skin; if you want to exfoliate without using a scrub, reach for an acid exfoliator to resurface the look of skin without the use of bead exfoliants. Acid-powered exfoliators deliver AHAs, BHAs, and/or PHAs to exfoliate dead skin cells without scratching, scrubbing, or rubbing at skin which can cause irritation.

What are AHAs, BHAs, and PHAs?

AHAs, BHAs, and PHAs are types of hydroxy acids and their main purpose in skincare is to exfoliate skin.

What are AHAs?

Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) are water-soluble acids made from sugary fruits. Popular AHAs in skincare include glycolic acid, lactic acid, and citric acid.

What do AHAs do in skincare?

AHAs help to exfoliate dead skin cells and to reveal new cells underneath which can help to even the appearance of pigmentation and skin tone.

Learn more about glycolic acid

What are BHAs?

Beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) are oil-soluble acids that can penetrate more deeply into pores. Popular BHAs in skincare include salicylic acid and certain citric acids.

What do BHAs do in skincare?

BHAs can penetrate deeper layers of the skin thanks to their smaller molecular structure. They can help to unclog pores which is particularly beneficial for oily skin types.

What are PHAs?

Poly hydroxy acids (PHAs) are chemical exfoliants with larger molecular structures than AHAs and BHAs. Some popular PHAs in skincare include lactobionic acid and gluconolactone.

What do PHAs do in skincare?

PHAs are best used for surface-level exfoliation as their larger molecules don’t penetrate as deeply into the skin. This can result in more gentle exfoliation which is easier for the skin to withstand.

Learn more about acids in skincare

Why Is Exfoliator Necessary for Skin Prep?

Exfoliators belong backstage at every red carpet, darlings! Using an exfoliator like Super Radiance Resurfacing Facial is the secret to skin that looks instantly rejuvenated. I advise my celebrity clients to start using exfoliator about a week before I’m doing their makeup to help train their skin, then I apply it backstage as a radiance-boosting, resurfacing, red-carpet facial to make skin glow before the show!

I always pair my smoothing-effect exfoliator with my magic icons like Charlotte’s Magic Cream! When skin is newly exfoliated, my hydrating mists, serums and moisturisers can work even more effectively to give your skin the best glow of your life!

By pairing Super Radiance Resurfacing Facial and Charlotte’s Magic Cream, you can unlock a red-carpet glow every day of the week!

Discover my pre-party skin prep guide