Discover Your Horoscope for February 2025
Read your horoscope for February 2025 from Fashion Astrologer & Star Sign Style Founder, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst.
- 31st January 2025
- By Charlotte Tilbury
18 minute read
Read your horoscope for February 2025 from Fashion Astrologer & Star Sign Style Founder, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst.
18 minute read
Darling, your horoscope for February 2024 awaits!
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Let February be nourishing, Aries. Find ways to feed, nurture and care for yourself from deep within if you can. As we enter the month, planets converge in mystical, dreamy Pisces, a sign of escapism and your sector of retreat, solitude, healing and respite.
Direct attention to private spaces, spending time on home, family and the past, soothing ancient parts of yourself that need TLC. Your ruling planet Mars is retrograde in homey Cancer until the 24th, giving you an extra nudge to reflect and recover.
You may have grappled with your identity in relation to your roots, a property or parenting role these past few weeks, and you can expect to come out the other side of this process by the end of the month, capable of introspection and acceptance.
The New Moon on the 28th encourages you to relinquish control, sinking back into inner work, surrendering to present circumstances. Take it easy, confident in the ways you reach peace and equilibrium. It’s possible you’ll be insightful about the valuable contribution you make, contemplating your financial or personal position toward this date.
Otherwise, Aquarius Season is in session until the 17th, signalling a time to pay attention to society, your community and peers in your circle. Between the 3rd and 13th yoåu’ve a particularly exciting time to communicate with those near and far, exploring avenues that ultimately enhance your connection and team spirit. You could find you’re learning something important about people in your group.
Be mindful towards the Leo Full Moon on Wednesday the 12th, as sparks fly on this day. While you might feel inclined to pursue your own desires and wishes, a practical component could interrupt your fun. Similarly, the Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius (February 20th) could be a challenging day to stride ahead.
As the month begins, your ruling planet Venus moves through Pisces and your house of community relations, friends and team spirit. Appreciate peers that wish you well, recalibrate your social ties in local surroundings and broader networks, Taurus.
You could also be thinking ambitiously, plugged in to your personal mission and finances, accepting authority, your influence or parenting role. The 3rd is a particularly good day to talk about your direction, with developments in what you’ve set out to accomplish.
Venus moves into Aries on the 4th, a time for you to pull back and retreat. Confidence in your capabilities or earning potential can grow in momentum, with positivity around your contribution and ways you make a living, yet you could favour space to escape. The 7th is powerful, proving to yourself and others what you can do, however don’t burn yourself out for people who can’t see the work you’re putting in. Reflect on ways to communicate any sacrifices made, contemplating close interactions and how to express realisations or breakthroughs.
Take it easy towards the Full Moon on the 14th, acknowledging family, home or domestic settings. Prioritize self-care and get enough rest, aware of changes made around your identity and personal life and how this sits with life under your roof. Your reputation, public perception, or professional calling might be challenging to manage at this time, given alterations to your authentic self that have altered who you are. Find balance, with friends adding perspective.
From the 18th, Pisces Season nudges you to come together with your crew. Allow bosom buddies and groups to embrace you! The 23rd and 24th are ideal for acknowledging what you’ve processed about dynamics in your environment, among neighbours and siblings, while the New Moon on the 28th is an opportunity to participate with those likeminded.
The road you presently walk could be utterly enlightening, Gemini. Aquarius Season encourages you to focus on seeing other perspectives, which could be achieved through long-distance travel or getting out of your neighbourhood to explore. Engage with other cultures, people and places – embrace alternative schools of thought!
At the same time, planets assemble at the top of your chart in Pisces, guiding your reputation and ambitions. Here you could find you’re stepping up as a leader, authority, parent or person of influence with expertise. This is even more prominent from the 14th, when your ruler Mercury enters this sector, and you can think about the direction you’re headed in.
Before then, show awareness of all you’re encountering that helps you learn and grow. The 3rd and 4th are auspicious for moving toward your dreams, expanding your horizons and gaining experience. Only the Full Moon on the 12th is tense. Here it might be valuable to illuminate your basic sense of connection and rapport, with neighbours, writing skills, your closest ties, environment or siblings foremost.
However, it might not be straightforward receiving the gift of information or valuable insights you seek. Tension on this day could result in interruptions, making it harder to communicate.
The 9th, 23rd and 24th bring emphasis to your financial position and investments made, so that if you’ve been grappling with your role, input, contribution and money matters, this could be underscored. However, these practical issues will begin to resolve by months end. An ongoing reimbursement, payment, invoice or salary matter could reach boiling point. Try and sense the meaning and significance around what you value and appreciate. Assets amassed, material trappings, wages or compensation could fuel a fresh outlook on the 28th, when a New Moon touches your professional life, career or personal mission.
As we enter a new month you could be thinking deeply about investments, where you’re vulnerable and inclined to work with others in a committed fashion, Cancer. Aquarius Season is a month for intimacy, bonding and trusting others – and the part they play for you.
You may want to consider how you depend on the input, resources or gifts a partner provides, in a romantic or platonic sense. This could include splitting the bills, sharing space or affording you another valuable commodity. In turn, what are you offering long-term?
There may be sacrifices you’ve made and are continuing to explore, which could benefit relationships on the 3rd and 4th. Perhaps it’s time to talk about secret plans or work you’ve been undertaking in private.
Elsewhere, planets assemble in your sector of global outlooks, publishing, wisdom, philosophy and higher education. A path, specialism or course you’ve followed could lead you to develop your expertise, with ways to share knowledge and insights. Enjoy bringing attention to all you’ve explored. A period of personal reflection and even a reinvention process is significant on the 9th, and 23rd-25th. You could be aware of how far you’ve come, developing your identity and a public persona that compliments your evolution. The Pisces New Moon on the 28th is ideal for showcasing (and announcing) who you are to the world. Step firmly into faith and the voice you’ve been cultivating in your community, without revealing too much.
Note the Full Moon on the 12th illuminates your financial position, role and self-sufficient side but is cosmically tense. Try not to mix friends and money around this day. The Last Quarter Moon on the 20th asks you to find balance between the mundane tasks, admin and your health, while also embracing illustrious opportunities before you.
It’s a key time to devote attention to relationships, Leo, as Aquarius Season sets the focus squarely on your most intimate unions.
Entering February, you could be thinking about the impact significant individuals have on you, not to mention the role they play in getting you where you want to be in the world.
There are different types of interactions highlighted. Some partners are instrumental in connecting you to a group, your community or social networks – note the 3rd and the 4th could be great for reaching out to key people that bring you closer to a team or your peers.
Other alliances could be more intimate, touching on what’s shared between you, with your vulnerabilities and more mysterious parts of life illuminated. From the 18th you could find yourself engrossed with the more confidential unions, succumbing to your collaboration, pooling together, merging and committing to achieve success. Be sure to investigate your loyalties, obligations and formal contracts toward the New Moon on the 28th, as your intuition could be strong.
Until the 24th, energiser Mars is retrograde in your twelfth house of closure, surrender and escapism, contributing to a deep dive around your private life and inner world. The weeks ahead could find you exploring your dreams, secrets, fears, and untapped wisdom, letting go and moving beyond what’s known.
It may benefit you to recognise who you can really rely on, devoting attention to what you might accomplish as one. By the end of the month you could find you’ve undergone a profound metamorphosis: healing, regenerating and addressing something important within.
Be mindful around the Leo Full Moon on Wednesday the 12th, with attention on you and the potential for controversy. The Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius (February 20th) calls for balance, as intensity is brewing.
Lean into the work you do and the way you maintain yourself (spiritually, mentally and physically) as February begins, Virgo. You may be engrossed with your employment, health and wellness, and as a new month begins, you’ll do well to continue engaging with daily lifestyle practices. Organise, complete admin and schedule tasks that see you getting ahead.
A sense of order could enable major progress around your career, public image or aspirations on the 3rd and 4th. Connect to your ambitions or personal mission, be it professional or personal. Look to the reputation you’ve developed (and how you show up), trusting those that play a part as you reach toward your goals.
Intimate relationships are significant, as well as a group, your community or people in your extended network. Social media or being a part of a circle may have been topical lately, with emphasis on special alliances and perhaps what you share publicly. It could be important to take loved ones and your sense of partnership seriously, as you begin to explore your loyalties and commitments. Between the 7th and 9th pay attention to what’s discussed that brings you closer to others.
Make note of the Leo Full Moon on the 12th, which lights up themes of acceptance, closure and unconscious stirrings. You may experience insights or have a breakthrough, yet it’s a potentially busy day, so try not to overbook yourself. The 20th could also call for balance in your priorities.
Mercury’s move into Pisces mid-month signals a spell to connect more one-to-one, and from the 23rd you could find yourself utterly absorbed with a significant other. Your peers, society, teamwork and general acquaintances are again poignant, with special friendships turning a corner at months end. The New Moon indicates new beginnings for your unions on the 28th!
Lend focus to your hobbies, kids, affections or sense of creativity as February begins, Libra. The Sun lights up your house of personal inspiration, and around the 4th you could be highly engaged with the people, places and things that bring you happiness. A celebration, party, vacation, artistic passion project or your love life could be a central theme – fertility, your sexuality or a pregnancy, too.
Last year saw you learning, growing and expanding your outlook, and you could now find you’re well placed to play, indulge and prioritise your desires, thanks to wisdom gained on your path of personal development. Your children, loved ones or interests could benefit from what you’ve explored and experienced. The 7th is a sweet spot to collaborate, noticing how far you’ve come.
This month also holds great potential around health, wellness, daily rituals and meaningful employment, with awareness of the habits or schedule that works best for you. Career activity may have been stirring or the path you walk towards your public image, goals, and ambitions may have been charged lately. Note where you’ve been leading, influencing or showing authority, and identify a consistent practice or way of life that compliments your chosen direction. Welcome increasing awareness of the rhythms of your day-to-day, connected to your position or acts of service. You can resolve any issues that have been affecting your professional or personal aspirations, particularly after the 23rd, which encourages you to step up to the helm. The 9th is also powerful in this regard, and by the 28th you’ll really find yourself moving on course. Support is most certainly available.
The Leo Full Moon on the 12th illuminates community networks and friends in your circle, yet be aware of heightened tension towards this date. Try not to overcommit yourself!
As we enter February the stars encourage you to seek a connection to the most meaningful and inspiring parts of your life, Scorpio. This could be found in loved ones and children, in romance, sex, dating, parties and pregnancy. Or, perhaps there are artistic talents, passion projects, modes of expression and channels for gratification that flow easily.
Enjoy people, places and things that bring you happiness, increasing attention lavished on creative outlets and what’s in your heart.
There could be a component that touches on travel, truth-seeking, publishing or working with those that are different to you, too. You might have been forced to grapple with the notion of faith, exploring a path of personal development and education. By the 28th you could be clearer about your beliefs, philosophy and outlook, gaining perspective thanks to better understanding your desires – what it is you truly want. Express these sentiments to a significant other at months end, being practical and collaborating for positive, mutually beneficial outcomes.
You could find progress is made around your private life and financial obligations this month, with a focus on your inner world.
Home, your property, a parent, family or your foundations could facilitate important conversations about the future and your goals, plans and commitments. Talk to a trusted confidant on the 3rd, and on the 7th notice support is available. The Full Moon on the 12th illuminates your reputation, professional calling or public image, so you can recognise where you’re headed. However, this is a tense day and key people could demand attention that steers you off course. The 20th is also conflicting, with Last Quarter Moon in your practical sector of money and personal security, which must be balanced with the sense of fun and creativity that’s so forthcoming.
Last year invited you to grow in partnerships and your most intimate unions, Sagittarius. Now, early February brings prominence to communications, and ways you express ideas to key people. Improvements are indicated from the 4th, with your ruler (Jupiter) course correcting, which benefits one-to-ones and interpersonal relationships. What’s more, go-between Mercury is on your side around this day, suggesting important conversations can take place. Listen closely and in turn you’ll be heard.
The 7th could be particularly fun and even playful, working with those closest, in your neighbourhood or surrounding environment – enjoy people around you, be social and open to creative engagements – romance, dating, pregnancy or artistic get-togethers.
The Full Moon on the 12th is more complex. Here you might be aware of a journey or path you’re on, with revelations about your beliefs, knowledge or wisdom. However, the routine side of life, your job or regular duties could interrupt what’s poised to be illuminating. Maintenance issues could divert attention from interesting friends and information. Try to balance practical tasks with what’s on your radar thanks to those likeminded.
Home life, family, a parent, property or your sense of stability is important throughout the month, too. Nourishing your roots becomes increasingly prominent, so that by the 18th you’re devoted inward. The 23rd and 24th are positive days to address the past or your household, potentially touching on a commitment, your vulnerabilities or a financial component. You may be inspired to bond, invest and address certain dependencies, with a process around intimacy, mortality and loyalty underway.
By the end of the month, you’ll likely be confident in how you’re settling down, secure in your space, with greater clarity around your private obligations. A New Moon on the 28th encourages a fresh approach to personal security or even where you base yourself.
There are two prominent themes spotlighted in February for Capricorn – money and communications.
You may be taking your social commentary, writing projects or neighbourly dealings seriously. Your ruling planet Saturn is slowly moving through your sector of rapport, siblings, language and close contact, suggesting attention on what’s expressed by you and those in your environment. Interpersonal relationships are also important thanks to Mars backtracking retrograde in your house of partners, which is underscored on the 9th. It may be necessary to evolve your unions from an emotional standpoint, showing sensitivity and increasing emotional intelligence.
Elsewhere, the Sun, Mercury and Pluto highlight personal security, your earnings, material possessions or self-worth. You may be thinking about what you do that’s useful, practical, productive and lucrative early in the month. Ask yourself how you might build your financial position or role, aware of your strengths, assets and attributes. Your ability to manage others and your own schedule, health, admin and workload turns a corner on the 4th, and hereafter you may find joy in domestic settings. Find yourself back on track, multitasking, capable, competent and appreciated at home.
On the 12th your loyalties, commitments and private interactions can be illuminated, with a Full Moon that’s tense and even controversial. Try to keep a balance and don’t add to any drama. On the 20th the Last Quarter Moon touches down in an equally low-key area of your horoscope, encouraging you to take it easy.
The 23rd brings the potential for clarity in dealings with key people, and by the end of the month you’ve turned a corner with significant others. Strive for empathy, compassion and get involved in the conversation. The New Moon on the 28th is ideal for get-togethers with those likeminded, demonstrating ideas, what you think and can teach.
It’s a time to celebrate you, Aquarius, with significant people in your world looking your way. Acknowledge your identity, character and personality, embracing new beginnings as February commences. The weeks ahead are about your presence and what you do, produce, build, create or own both in a practical and creative sense.
There’s considerable emphasis on personal security, your financial position, earned income and personal belongings, thanks to an assembly of planets in your money zone. It may benefit you to stock take and pay increasing attention to the possessions, assets or revenue streams that are deeply meaningful, as well as the ways you continue to make a living and sustain yourself. Your health, employment, wellbeing and jobs you undertake has its part too, with Mars backtracking retrograde in your sector of rituals, wellness and work.
Pay attention to the rhythms of your day-to-day around the 9th, and from the 23rd you could find you’re turning a corner, with greater clarity on environmental factors that affect your productivity, maintenance, profits and upkeep. Consider systems, habits and ways you might delegate for a seamless routine.
You’re also invited to have fun in the weeks ahead! The 3rd to the 13th could be inspiring and prompt you to think about what you enjoy, who you love and what makes you ultimately happy. Remember it’s you that gets to decide what and who lights you up – you could be profoundly aware that the choice is yours, that the ball is in your court!
Partnerships are illuminated by the Full Moon on Wednesday the 12th, however a domestic, family matter or internal stressors may factor. Be mindful of the way you show up for others in relationships, and manage your inner world, with tension and even surprises around this day.
As February begins Aquarius Season is underway, which signals a time of retreat, rejuvenation and closure for Pisces.
You could sense a preference for confinement and recovery, or that you’re pulling back, preparing and working away from others.
Developments at home, among family, around parenting or your property may be on your mind on the 3rd and 4th. Here you can look forward to progress in your private life or domestic spaces – acknowledge successes both internally and externally, reviewing wins from a distance. A different perspective could now be incredibly healing, so find quiet, mindful moments, taking space when you can.
The Full Moon on the 12th illuminates your health, employment, systems and methods that are effective. However, around this date tension builds – environmental factors or people close by demand attention. Switch your phone to silent if there’s an important task to complete.
There’s considerable focus on you this month, which is to be embraced. Your identity, physical presence, persona or ethos could be getting extra attention, so be prepared for others to look your way. Pisces Season begins on the 18th, awakening you even more to your personal life, who you really are, and what you want.
It’s likely you’re taking a serious, responsible, mature approach, with Saturn in your sign, yet you could be reckoning with your own happiness, fertility, children or sense of self-expression, too.
Mars is retrograde until the 24th in your zone of sex, kids, joy and artistic talents. Here you could be reflective about what’s truly gratifying. There may be a financial component to this, as you interrogate ways you’re appreciated or compensated while putting your heart into projects. The New Moon on the 28th brings inspiration and affirms what you can do, with a fresh start bringing you into alignment.
Disclaimer: The details above have been created for promotional and entertainment purposes only. The content is not intended to amount to advice and you should not rely on it.
With over 30 years experience, Charlotte Tilbury MBE is the world's number 1 makeup artist and British beauty entrepreneur. Charlotte established Charlotte Tilbury Beauty in 2013, which is now a record-breaking beauty brand that has won over 400 awards.
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