Where to Apply Highlighter: Charlotte’s Glow Glide Guide

Discover where to apply highlighter using Charlotte’s Glow Glide Guide, an easy-to-follow highlighter placement guide to creating a gorgeous, sculpted-looking complexion with a Hollywood glow!

Discover where to apply highlighter using Charlotte’s Glow Glide Guide, an easy-to-follow highlighter placement guide to creating a gorgeous, sculpted-looking complexion with a Hollywood glow!

Darlings, Charlotte is a GLOW EXPERT! For years, she has been obsessed with bottling different kinds of light, from the natural radiance of sunlight to the beautifying powers of Hollywood lights. Analysing different face shapes and the ways that they interact with light, she has studied where to apply highlighter to create her GLOW GLIDE GUIDE - 6 GLOW TRICKS to help everyone, everywhere get their perfect Hollywood glow!

Discover Charlotte’s glow secrets and learn where to put highlighter to help sculpt the look of your face and make your beautiful, natural features POP!

Charlotte Tilbury model shot

Where to Put Highlighter

Glow Tricks diagram

CHEEK TRICK: How to Apply Cheek Highlighter

Accentuate the cheeks to make them LOOK well-defined with a MULTI-DIMENSIONAL GLOW with Charlotte's highlighter cheek trick!

For gorgeous, glowing cheeks, glide your highlighter along the cheekbones to make them appear more prominent with a multi-dimensional Hollywood glow! Starting on the highest point of the cheeks, apply highlighter in a ‘C’ shape, following the cheekbone and curving upwards and inwards towards the temples. Sweep back and forth to build up a magical glow that defines the cheeks and makes them POP!

JAW TRICK: Emphasise the Jawline

Applying highlighter along the jawline can help the jaw to look LOOK softly sculpted with a YOUTHFUL-LOOKING GLOW!

On the jawline, apply highlighter to define and sculpt the look of your face. Avoiding the chin, apply your highlighter along the jaw, blending upwards towards the ear. This highlighter placement helps to create the illusion of a more chiselled jawline, giving the face a softly sculpted look with a gorgeous glow.

NOSE TRICK: Nose Highlighter Application

Contour the look of the nose for a REFINED, LIFTED-LOOKING facial architecture!

To create the illusion of a pinched, button nose using highlighter, take a small, defined brush like Charlotte’s Eye Smudger Brush and add a small amount of highlighter along the bridge of the nose. This brings focus to the centre of your nose, helping it to look smaller and more sculpted. At the tip of the nose, apply a small dot of highlighter to create an upturned effect. Your finished nose highlight should look like a glowing exclamation point!

Tilbury Tip: To create the illusion of a smaller-looking nose, try placing a dot of highlighter slightly higher than the tip of your nose to draw the eye upwards.

EYE TRICK: Lid and Inner Eye Highlighter How To

Use highlighter to enhance the eyelids and inner corners for eyes that LOOK BIGGER and BRIGHTER!

Amplify your eye look using highlighter with Charlotte’s eye highlighter trick! With Charlotte’s Eye Smudger Brush or your fingers, apply highlighter onto the centre of your lids to add show-stopping sparkle to your eyes, then apply to your inner corners for brighter-looking eyes.

BROW TRICK: Brow Highlighter Application

Define the arch of the brow for an EYE LIFT EFFECT!

Your brows frame your face, and with Charlotte’s brow highlighter trick, you can create an eye lift effect that enhances the look of your facial architecture! Applying highlighter underneath the arch of the brows helps to enhance their shape while lifting the look of your face. Glide your highlighter along the brow bone and give your gaze a Hollywood glow!

LIP TRICK: Cupid’s Bow Highlighter

Cheat fuller-looking lips with a GLOWING cupid’s bow!

The cupid’s bow is at the centre of your top lip and is the key to unlocking fuller-looking lips using highlighter. Focusing on the dimple above your cupid’s bow, use Charlotte’s Eye Smudger Brush to apply highlighter along the edge of your upper lip – this helps to enhance the natural line of your lips for a fuller, poutier look.

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Author Details

Charlotte Tilbury

Founder, President, Chairman and Chief Creative Officer of Charlotte Tilbury Beauty

With over 30 years experience, Charlotte Tilbury MBE is the world's number 1 makeup artist and British beauty entrepreneur. Charlotte established Charlotte Tilbury Beauty in 2013, which is now a record-breaking beauty brand that has won over 400 awards.