Pinke Make-up-Geschenke für Pillow Talk Fans
Hübsche pinke Geschenke für Make-up-Fans in Charlottes traumhaftem Pillow Talk Farbton.
- 18th October 2024
- Von Charlotte Tilbury
7 minute(n) lesezeit
Hübsche pinke Geschenke für Make-up-Fans in Charlottes traumhaftem Pillow Talk Farbton.
7 minute(n) lesezeit
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Darling, es war schon immer Charlottes größter Wunsch, den perfekten Farbton in Nude-Pink zu zaubern. Nachdem sie sich eingehend, mit den natürlichen Lippenpigmenten aller Hauttöne beschäftigt hatte, kreierte sie ihren „so wie deine Lippen, nur schöner“ aussehenden Lip Cheat in Pillow Talk. Weltweit verliebten sich die Menschen direkt in das Produkt und konnten einfach NICHT GENUG davon bekommen!
Die Pillow Talk Kollektion wurde seitdem um magische Make-up-Produkte für die Lippen, Wangen und Augen erweitert, und dieses Jahr zu Weihnachten hat Charlotte für ALLE Pillow Talk Fans wunderschön pinke Make-up-Geschenke in ihrem legendären Farbton kreiert!
Create limitless Pillow Talk party eye makeup looks with my NEW! Pillow Talk Beautyverse Love Palette! Inspired by my iconic Pillow Talk collection, this 9-shade pink eyeshadow palette is the palette of the season and the life of every party! With rose gold, pink, and nude tones in futuristic finishes, this palette is a Pillow Talk superstar that creates dazzling, disco eyes that are perfect for the holidays! The packaging is adorned with a gorgeous starburst pattern of hearts and stars – it’s the perfect pink makeup gift!
Looking for the beautifying pink makeup gift for a dreamy glow, darling? Charlotte’s Pillow Talk Blush & Glow Kit is the secret to glowing like a Pillow Talk dream! Featuring travel-sized versions of two of my world-famous makeup wands, this makeup kit has all the pink makeup magic you could need for giving the gift of blush and glow this holiday season! My Matte Beauty Blush Wand in Pillow Talk gives the cheeks that rosy flush that blush-lovers adore, and my Beauty Light Wand in Pillow Talk bathes the cheekbones in luminous pink beauty light for the most ethereal glow! Together, these beauty wands are the perfect pink makeup gift to gift or keep!
Mit dem Pillow Talk Beautifying Lip Kit zauberst du den perfekten Pillow Talk Kussmund. Diese Auswahl legendärer Lippenprodukte umfasst vier von Charlottes Lippengeheimnissen, allesamt in ihrem berühmten Pillow Talk Farbton Nude-Pink. Enthalten sind der Matte Revolution Lippenstift, Lip Cheat und Collagen Lip Bath Lipgloss, jeweils in Reisegröße, und ein Hyaluronic Happikiss Lippenstiftbalsam in Originalgröße. Diese legendären, bei den Stars beliebten Lippenprodukte sorgen gemeinsam für die traumhafteste Lippenroutine, die allen einen Hauch von Make-up-Magie in Pillow Talk Pink schenkt.
Think pink with the Pillow Talk shades of my Hypnotising Pop Shots! I introduced the world to my glistening eyeshadows in 2022 and makeup lovers fell in love with the dazzling, diamond-like shine that my one-swipe wonders gave the eyes! For 2024… They’re back! If you’re looking for a twinkling pink trinket that makeup lovers will love, discover Pillow Talk Diamonds: my multi-dimensional, crystal pink eyeshadow that makes every eye look POP! The gem-encrusted packaging is so easy to gift; trust me, darling, if they love pink, they’re going to love this!
For pink and purple party eyes, discover Pillow Talk Ultra Violet – my shimmering violet eyeshadow with a hypnotic duochrome finish!
My Pillow Talk lipstick is the prettiest pink makeup gift of them all, and now, you can gift the perfect Pillow Talk pout with my Pillow Talk Iconic Mini Lip Kit! This pink makeup gift set includes three mini pout-perfectors in my nude-pink shade that suit everyone… It belongs under every makeup lover’s holiday tree! Featuring minis of my Pillow Talk Lipstick, Pillow Talk Lip Cheat, and Pillow Talk Collagen Lip Bath, this gift set captures the PILLOW TALK EFFECT in giftable, love-inspired packaging. The Pillow Talk lip look goes with every party outfit – anyone that loves lipstick will be thrilled to receive this lip-loving kit. It’s ICONIC!
Pillow Talk is ICONIC, darlings, and this year I introduced Pillow Talk Fair to the world! It’s a sister to my signature nude-pink shade with a moisturising satin formula and cooler pink tone. Pillow Talk Fair is a perfect makeup gift for anyone that loves to wear a pretty pink lipstick! I’ve created my Mini Pillow Talk Lip Kit to make Pillow Talk Fair even easier to gift! It includes a mini lipstick and lip liner in my gorgeous Pillow Talk Fair shade, allowing pink lovers everywhere to create a dreamy pink lipstick look!
Charlottes Pillow Talk On the Go Kit schenkt dir im Handumdrehen den Pillow Talk Look. Das Set zum Mitnehmen enthält einen Matte Revolution Lippenstift und einen Lip Cheat, jeweils in Reisegröße, um einen perfekten Kussmund in Nude-Pink zu zaubern, einen Pillow Talk Eyeliner im Miniformat zum Umranden und Definieren sowie einen Eyes to Mesmerise in Originalgröße, um die Augenlider in schillerndes Pink zu tauchen! Dieses für die Handtasche geeignete Set voller Make-up-Magie im ultimativ perfekten Farbton ist das ideale pinke Make-up-Geschenk für die Beautys in deinem Leben, die immer am wenigsten Zeit haben!
Verschenke MAKE-UP-MAGIE mit Charlottes NEUEM! Pillow Talk Crystal Dimension Eyeliner! Dieser Flüssig-Eyeliner entführt Pillow Talk Fans in eine ganz neue Welt voller PINK- und GOLDTÖNE. Er verleiht weihnachtlichen Augenlooks BUNTE MAGIE und ist der perfekte Eyeliner für jede Pillow Talk Party! Die einfach aufzutragende Formel ist mit funkelndem Diamantpuder angereichert, der ihr einen leuchtenden Glanz und kristalline Farbe verleiht, die alle Augen IN SZENE SETZEN!
Darling, Träume können wirklich wahr werden! Charlottes Pillow Talk Dreams Come True ist das ultimative Geschenk für alle Pillow Talk Fans! Mit 14 BESONDERHEITEN in ORIGINALGRÖSSE ist diese magische Make-up-Schatzkiste mit allen pinken Make-up-Geschenken gefüllt, die man für das Verschönern der Augen, Lippen und Wangen in diesem TRAUMHAFTEN, zu allen passenden Farbton braucht! Alle, die schon immer davon geträumt haben, tiefer in die Pillow Talk Welt einzutauchen, werden mit dem Pillow Talk Dreams Come True wahre pinke Schätze entdecken, zum Beispiel zauberhafte Lidschattenpaletten, perfekte Lippenstifte und mehr!
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The world fell in love with my Pinkgasm Beauty Light Wand, darlings… It belongs in every pink lover’s makeup collection! Formulated to bathe the cheeks in pink beauty light to create a pearlescent, dolly-pink glow, this liquid blush and highlighter hybrid is my ultimate beauty secret for pink makeup magic! Pink blush is for every season darlings, and makeup lovers everywhere will be adding dots and dots of this beautifying blush to their cheeks all holiday season long!
For the holidays, I’ve created my Hollywood Blush and Glow Glide Palette to give pink lovers their dream blush and glow! The beautifying blush and highlighter duo in Fair/Medium includes a velvety matte blush in the prettiest pink shade the makes the cheeks POP, and a gorgeous pearlescent pink highlighter shade that glows and glides to light up the look of the face and cheeks. The celestial, rose-gold packaging is perfectly sized to fit into a holiday stocking - it’s a perfect pink makeup gift, darlings… Just swirl, glide and glow!
Each of my fragrances has its own colour world and Love Frequency is a prism of plush, petal pink! Inspired by love, romance, devotion, and fantasy, Love Frequency feels like a chance encounter - a love at first scent! Spraying on Love Frequency feels like there is love all around! Serenading with aromatic notes of pink pepper, rose absolut, and cashmeran, this floral-woody fragrance is like a love potion. The alchemy-inspired pink perfume bottle will look gorgeous on your loved one’s dressing table and holds the key to gifting true love this holiday!
My Love Frequency is available in easy-to-gift perfume sets! Discover my Love Frequency Perfume Set featuring one 100ml bottle and one 10ml travel size, and The Secret To Love Kit which includes Love Frequency 100ml and my iconic Pillow Talk Lipstick.
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