Entdecke mit Charlotte Tilburys Top-Tipps und Video-Tutorial zum Thema „Contouring leicht gemacht“, was Contour Make-up heißt und wie es geht.

Kreiere mithilfe von Contouring einen makellos wirkenden, perfekt modellierten Teint. Entdecke in diesem Guide, was Contouring ist, wie es geht, was du unbedingt dazu brauchst und wo du dein Contouring-Wissen vertiefen kannst!

Wie konturiert man und was ist Konturieren?


Contouring ist seit einigen Jahren ein großer Beauty-Trend, aber wie Charlotte sagt: „Es ist das Geheimnis, das Kinostars jahrelang für sich behalten haben!“

Durch das Spiel mit Licht und Schatten beim Contour Make-up lassen sich optisch deine Gesichtszüge praktisch neu formen, modellieren und definieren. Theoretisch gilt: Alle Stellen, auf die ein helles, strahlendes Produkt aufgetragen wird, heben sich ab und fallen mehr auf. Überall dort, wo Schatten oder dunklere Konturen erzeugt werden, entstehen hingegen Tiefe und Definition.

Zu wissen, wie du dein Gesicht richtig konturierst, ist der Schlüssel zu jedem MAGISCHEN Make-up-Look. Denn ein zu starkes Konturieren oder das Konturieren von Bereichen, die es nicht benötigen, kann das Gegenteil von dem bewirken, was man eigentlich erreichen möchte. Wenn zum Beispiel bei jemandem mit länglicher Gesichtsform und ohnehin hohen Wangenknochen zu stark konturiert wird, kann das Gesicht dadurch eingefallen, gealtert oder mager aussehen.


  • Trage für eine perfekte Haftung zuerst eine dünne Schicht Airbrush Flawless Finish Micro-Powder auf.
  • Trage den Sculpting-Farbton mit dem Powder & Sculpt Make-up-Pinsel entlang der Vertiefungen der Wangen, an den Schläfen, entlang der Kieferknochen, an den Nasenflügeln und auf der Nasenspitze auf. Und jetzt heißt es: verblenden, verblenden und nochmals verblenden!
  • Trage den Highlight-Farbton oben auf die Wangenknochen, den Nasenrücken, den Amorbogen und deine Augenbrauenknochen auf, damit deine Haut wie von Kerzenlicht beschienen wirkt.


  1. How to contour your cheekbones with Hollywood Contour Wand

    1. Chiselled-looking cheekbones

    To contour your cheekbones, take your perfect shade of Hollywood Contour Wand and swipe along the hollows of your cheeks towards your hairline. To reveal the hollow of your cheek, suck in your cheeks and notice the natural indent. You only need a small amount of product to chisel the look of your cheeks; use a light hand and swipe along the underside of the cheekbone, angling towards the top of your ear for a lifting effect. When you are ready to blend, take the larger, flat end of my Hollywood Complexion Brush and blend your contour with upward motions; this will help to enhance the subtle lift effect you have created with your contour.

    Tilbury Tip: Dragging your contour downwards will alter its placement and disrupt the illusion. Aim to keep your contour situated on your cheekbone and if any migrates underneath, use a light shade of concealer underneath your contour for a carving effect that reestablishes your contour.

    Discover how to blend contour makeup

  2. How to contour your nose with Hollywood Contour Wand

    2. Refined nose contour

    Your nose is the central point of your face, so perfecting your nose contour can be particularly transformative for your look. For the perfect nose contour, create two vertical lines down either side of the bridge of your nose, then apply underneath the tip of your nose for a shading effect. This will help your nose to appear shorter, slimmer, and more sculpted. You will want your nose contour to look undetectable, so be sure to blend well using the small, tapered end of my Hollywood Complexion Brush to remove any harsh lines.

    Tilbury Tip: Adding highlighter to the tip of your nose is one of my favourite glow tricks! A small dot of my Beauty Light Wand or Hollywood Glow Glide Face Architect Highlighter can instantly lift the look of your nose.

    Discover how to contour your nose

  3. How to contour your forehead with Hollywood Contour Wand

    3. Shaded forehead + temples

    Sometimes referred to as the beige rainbow, contouring your forehead builds depth and dimension in your makeup and helps to sculpt the look of your face shape. To contour your forehead, dot your Hollywood Contour Wand onto your temples and close to your hairline, then use the larger end of my Hollywood Complexion Brush to buff it into your skin and blend it seamlessly with your foundation. This will help to shorten the appearance of a larger forehead as well as sculpting the look of your face shape.

    Tilbury Tip: To emphasise the lift effect you have created with contour, try meeting the edge of your contour on your temples with the outer corner of your eyeshadow to create even greater dimension.

  4. How to contour your jawline with Hollywood Contour Wand

    4. Sculpted-looking jawline

    You can sculpt the look of your jawline with contour; just swipe your Hollywood Contour Wand along your jaw to create a natural-looking shadow. Shading your jawline will create the illusion of a sharper, more angular jaw, helping to recede the appearance of a double chin and making your bone structure appear stronger and more sculpted. To get a seamless blend with your jaw contour, use the larger end of my Hollywood Complexion Brush to buff into your jawline.

    Tilbury Tip: When contouring your jaw, I recommend applying foundation onto your neck to avoid any harsh gradient from your contour shade into your blank skin tone.

    Learn more tips and tricks on how to contour your jawline

  5. How to contour your eye area with Hollywood Contour Wand

    5. Eye contour

    Did you know that you can apply the same logic to contouring your eye shape? Taking your Hollywood Contour Wand and applying it in the same way you would apply a cream eyeshadow can help to create the appearance of a deeper, more sculpted-looking socket. Dot my contour wand onto the crease of your eyelid, then use the smaller end of my Hollywood Complexion Brush to diffuse your liquid contour with back-and-forth motions. This beauty trick allows your eye shape to look more defined and sets beautiful groundwork for your eyeshadow application.

    Tilbury Tip: After applying Hollywood Contour Wands to the crease of your eye, set it into place using the neutral shades in my Super Nudes Easy Eye Palette.

    Discover which eye shape you have

How To Contour Your Face: More FAQs

Hollywood Contour Wand still life


Contouring generally comes after foundation, allowing you to perfect the look of your complexion with foundation and concealer before sculpting and chiselling with cream contour. However, some makeup artists prefer to contour before foundation to enhance the look of bone structure and set the framework for their makeup look – this technique is known as underpainting. For makeup beginners, I would suggest contouring after foundation then cleaning up any makeup mistakes with concealer. The choice is yours, darlings!

Discover the correct order of makeup steps


Yes – Contouring reached a fever pitch in the 2010s, taking over social media and becoming a driving force in makeup virality! Images of makeup lovers with lines and dots over their faces circulated far and wide, and everyone was talking about the new makeup technique on the scene. The truth is though, darlings, contouring has been a part of makeup artistry for decades! It continues to be a timeless trick for sculpting and shaping the look of every face from red carpets to fashion editorials. While the contouring craze of the 2010s has taken a backseat in the 2020s, contouring continues to be a key aspect of makeup artistry and always has a time and place.


Brontouring is a makeup technique where bronzer is applied in the same areas you would apply a classic contour. There is a difference between bronzer and contour, darlings, but bronzer can be used as a substitute when a look doesn’t call for the transformative effects of contouring. The purpose of contouring is to sculpt the look of your face, whereas bronzer is designed to add warmth; some people gravitate towards bronzer instead of contour because of the lifting, sunshine that it has. The finish of a bronzer is brighter than a contour and creates a less convincing shadow effect, however, this can be preferable for those that want a softer makeup look and are looking to add a little more dimension by brontouring.

Learn more about the differences between bronzer and contour


Sculpt and bronze in one step by applying bronzer in the same manner you would contour. Choose your perfect shade of Beautiful Skin Sun-Kissed Glow Bronzer or AIRbrush Bronzer, then apply to the cheekbones, nose, forehead, jawline, and crease to softly sculpt the look of your complexion. To brontour, you should apply bronzer more strategically; rather than bronzing wherever the sun would naturally hit, keep in mind the areas of your bone structure that you are looking to shade.

Darlings, contouring can be quick and easy! Now that you know how to contour your face, you can sculpt, shape, chisel, and lift the look of your complexion, just like that! Contouring isn’t only for makeup artists, darlings… With my 7 SCULPTING SHADES of Hollywood Contour Wand, everyone, everywhere can carve out their facial features, contouring just like a makeup artist.

Remember darlings, for your best face contour, reach for cool-toned contour products that create seamless-looking shadows, and always use the correct contour placement for your face shape!

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Charlotte Tilbury

Gründerin, Vorstandschefin, Vorsitzende und Kreativdirektorin von Charlotte Tilbury Beauty

Mit über 30 Jahren Erfahrung gilt Charlotte Tilbury MBE als führende Make-up-Artist und britische Beauty-Unternehmerin. Charlotte gründete Charlotte Tilbury Beauty 2013 – heute eine bahnbrechende, mit über 400 Preisen ausgezeichnete Beauty-Marke.

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