Brillo de labios reluciente, hidratante y con efecto volumen, en el tono rosado Pillow Talk con un toque de oro rosa de ensueño.

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  • Close-up swatch of a shimmery lip gloss in a rosy pink shade with gold sparkles.
  • Close-up swatch of a shimmery lip gloss in a champagne-opal shade.
  • Swatch of a nude pink, shimmery lip gloss.
  • Close-up swatch of a shimmery lip gloss in a champagne shade with gold sparkles.
  • Swatch of a berry pink, shimmery lip gloss.
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Fair-tone model with blue eyes wearing shimmery fawn and cream eye makeup with a pink glittering lip gloss with rose gold sparkle.
Fair-tone model with grey eyes wearing shimmery fawn and cream eye makeup with a pink glittering lip gloss with rose gold sparkle.
Fair-tone model with blue eyes wearing shimmery fawn and cream eye makeup with a pink glittering lip gloss with rose gold sparkle.
Fair-tone model with brown eyes wearing shimmery fawn and cream eye makeup with a pink glittering lip gloss with rose gold sparkle.
Fair-tone model with grey eyes wearing shimmery fawn and cream eye makeup with a pink glittering lip gloss with rose gold sparkle.
Fair-tone model with brown eyes wearing shimmery fawn and cream eye makeup with a pink glittering lip gloss with rose gold sparkle.
Fair-tone model with blue eyes wearing shimmery fawn and cream eye makeup with a pink glittering lip gloss with rose gold sparkle.
Medium-light-tone model with hazel eyes wearing shimmery fawn and cream eye makeup with a pink glittering lip gloss with rose gold sparkle.
Medium-light-tone model with green eyes wearing shimmery fawn and cream eye makeup with a pink glittering lip gloss with rose gold sparkle.
Medium-tone model with brown eyes wearing shimmery fawn and cream eye makeup with a pink glittering lip gloss with rose gold sparkle.
Medium-tone model with green eyes wearing shimmery fawn and cream eye makeup with a pink glittering lip gloss with rose gold sparkle.
Fair-tone model with grey eyes wearing shimmery fawn and cream eye makeup with a pink glittering lip gloss with rose gold sparkle.
Deep-tone model with brown eyes wearing shimmery fawn and cream eye makeup with a pink glittering lip gloss with rose gold sparkle.
Deep-tone model with brown eyes wearing shimmery fawn and cream eye makeup with a pink glittering lip gloss with rose gold sparkle.
Deep-tone model with brown eyes wearing shimmery fawn and cream eye makeup with a pink glittering lip gloss with rose gold sparkle.
Deep-tone model with brown eyes wearing shimmery fawn and cream eye makeup with a pink glittering lip gloss with rose gold sparkle.
Deep-tone model with brown eyes wearing shimmery fawn and cream eye makeup with a pink glittering lip gloss with rose gold sparkle.
Deep-tone model with brown eyes wearing shimmery fawn and cream eye makeup with a pink glittering lip gloss with rose gold sparkle.
Deep-tone model with brown eyes wearing shimmery fawn and cream eye makeup with a pink glittering lip gloss with rose gold sparkle.
Deep-tone model with brown eyes wearing shimmery fawn and cream eye makeup with a pink glittering lip gloss with rose gold sparkle.