how to choose your complimentary samples

With every order on, you have the opportunity to select 2 complimentary samples during checkout. You can view and select the samples currently available by clicking the "Add two free samples" section in your shopping bag. Samples are limited, may change from time to time, and substitution may occur. Only one of each sample can be added per order.

Please note that we are unable to add samples retrospectively once the order has been submitted

Due to the limited nature of our complimentary samples, we regret that we are unable to reship samples if they arrive damaged, if you receive a substitute, or if one is missing from your order. Samples are shipped with merchandise purchases ONLY. Please note that eGift Certificates and Gift Cards are not considered merchandise.

Please note that free samples are complimentary, and we are not obliged to offer them. We reserve the right to remove the option for free samples at any time.

For more information on samples please read our FAQ page here.